Hair Restoration Seattle

Expecting dense hair after a hair transplant is normal. Because hair transplant is a safe and very effective method to gain hair density, people feel anxious when the hair shows no results in a few months. It is normal to be anxious about the outcome but do not be disappointed if you find yourself dealing with low density in the first 9 months of hair transplant.  In this article, we will dig into the timeline for hair transplant and what to do when you see no results in the first 9 months. Is it considered normal or do you need to see the doctor? Let’s find out.  

The Timeline of Hair Transplant: 9 Months with No Density

While the hair transplant has quick results, there could be a possibility that you have to wait until 18 months to fully enjoy the benefits. This is because hair growth occurs in cycles, and not all hair may grow simultaneously. Here is a breakdown of what to expect after a hair transplant:
  • The first 3 months: The first phase of shedding of transplanted hair and it is later followed by new hair growth.
  • 9 months: You will notice some growth but destiny is still not as per expectation.
  • After One year: The result is visible and can be noticeable to others too. The hair growth has occurred at full potential. 

Reasons Affecting the Timeline of Outcome? 

There could be several factors affecting the timeline of outcome. Such as:
  • Individual healing process: Everyone’s body reacts differently. How healthy the body is directly affects how fast the body will heal and respond to the treatment. 
  • Hair transplant technique: Different methods have varying recovery periods.
  • Donor and recipient area health: The quality of hair follicles and scalp condition can impact results.  
 If the results are delayed for an unexpected time then you must visit your doctor to identify the right reasons. 

Possible Reasons for Delayed Outcome

As mentioned above there are various factors affecting the timeline but the unexpected delay can be due to the following reasons: 
  • Initial shedding: The shedding must take only 3 to 4 months but in a few cases, it takes more than that, delaying the results. 
  • Shock loss: This is a case when the neighboring hair starts falling and this is giving a patchy look as the area will be surrounded by transplanted hair. 
  • Insufficient graft density: Maybe the desired outcome was not communicated properly and the graft was not sufficient enough to show the results you are hoping for. The number of transplanted grafts might not be adequate for desired results.
  • Underlying hair loss conditions: There could be other factors like hormonal imbalance or other underlying problems that may cause the delay. 
 It is important to remember that patience is the key to the hair restoration process. A proper follow-up session with your surgeon can ease out the doubts and you may see the results within one year.  


As hair transplantation is seen as one of the fastest in showing results, many times it takes time to properly give the desired results. If 9 months have passed and you are still waiting for your hair destiny, then there could be some factors affecting this delay. Keeping some patience for one year can make you relaxed for a while and if the delay is prolonged it is advisable to visit your doctor. 

Dr. Sajan
Dr. Sajan

Dr. Javad Sajan is an expert hair restoration specialist who offers many techniques and methods for in-depth care. With decades of experience and training in hair restoration, Dr. Sajan is known for his incredible results with hair transplants and other unique hair treatments. Dr. Sajan is a leading hair restoration provider and works to create ideal results for every patient.