Hair Restoration Seattle

Surgery of any kind requires a lot of preparation and thought. You have to plan your steps before, during, and after to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. Planning can help your anxiety be less overwhelming; it can also help you avoid unexpected problems.  Can planning every step of your hair transplant surgery help the process go smoothly? Absolutely. Does it guarantee that you won’t have any complications or issues? Unfortunately, there’s always the chance of some issue popping up somewhere along the way. The good news is that between choosing an excellent hair loss specialist, planning for your recovery, and following all post-op care instructions, you can see new and healthy hair growth–without any regrets. 

How To Find A Surgeon To Perform A Hair Transplant?

The first–and arguably most important–step of having a hair transplant is picking your surgeon. This isn’t the 80s and 90s anymore. You can’t just flip through the yellow pages of a phone book to find a list of specialists in your area. You almost have to do internet research to pick someone to perform your surgery unless you just happen to stumble across them. Theoretically, you could be standing in line waiting for your takeout order at your favorite restaurant when you glance at the medical buildings across the road and notice a hair transplant surgeon. But this scenario is a bit far-fetched. A simple entry of “hair transplant specialists near me” should get you started on your internet search and may produce multiple qualified candidates. It’s then your job to narrow them down by looking at a few main points, including education and medical background, what kind of results they can produce (through before and after pictures), and whether or not you feel confident the surgeon and their team can complete your hair transplant satisfactorily. 

What Types Of Hair Transplants Are Available?

Once you can put a checkmark next to “choose a surgeon” on your hair transplant prep list, it’s time to schedule your surgery. Your surgeon will use either individual extraction of hair follicles (FUE) or remove a strip of skin before sectioning it into grafts (FUT). The method depends on the level of hair loss; more loss requires more grafts, which would make the higher number of FUT grafts the better choice for these patients. 

What Kind Of Pills Will You Need Post-Surgery?

After surgery, you may have some pain and swelling. Your surgeon will prescribe some pain medication. You can usually get this prescription filled before surgery, so you won’t have to take the time to run by the pharmacy on your way home from your hair transplant. Another type of pill you might need post-surgery is an antibiotic. You likely won’t have a problem with infections after your hair transplant; however, a course of antibiotics will help you avoid this kind of unwanted post-procedure complication. Once you finish your antibiotic and you no longer need pain medication (usually around a week or so), you shouldn’t have to continue taking any pills. Some surgeons recommend medicines like finasteride or minoxidil to prevent future hair loss after a transplant, though these are usually topical medications. 

Know What Post-Surgery Medications You’ll Need After A Hair Transplant

While many surgeons do prescribe pain medications and an antibiotic after a hair transplant, these aren’t long-term medicines, so you should be off the pills quickly. Medications to prevent hair loss, like minoxidil and finasteride, can come in pill form; however, they can cause side effects, so surgeons often prescribe them as topical medications since these won’t cause the same degree of side effects. Ready to see new hair growth? Start your hair restoration journey today by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Sajan. Call (206) 209-0988 or book your appointment online.

Dr. Sajan
Dr. Sajan

Dr. Javad Sajan is an expert hair restoration specialist who offers many techniques and methods for in-depth care. With decades of experience and training in hair restoration, Dr. Sajan is known for his incredible results with hair transplants and other unique hair treatments. Dr. Sajan is a leading hair restoration provider and works to create ideal results for every patient.