Hair Restoration Seattle

What Does a Perm Do to Your Hair?

What Does a Perm Do to Your HairPerms are done to style your hair. They look amazing and enhance your facial contour. Just by changing the look of your hair, it gives a classy yet natural look. This wavy, bouncy, and added volume to the hair makes you look not less than a celebrity, but what happens to your hair when you […]

Do You Have To Take Pills After A Hair Transplant? Post-Transplant Care

Pills After A Hair TransplantSurgery of any kind requires a lot of preparation and thought. You have to plan your steps before, during, and after to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. Planning can help your anxiety be less overwhelming; it can also help you avoid unexpected problems.    Can planning every step of your hair transplant […]

9 Months After Hair Transplant No Density: Is It Normal?

Expecting dense hair after a hair transplant is normal. Because hair transplant is a safe and very effective method to gain hair density, people feel anxious when the hair shows no results in a few months. It is normal to be anxious about the outcome but do not be disappointed if you find yourself dealing […]